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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dungeon Colony


This release completes the first set of features for Rooms in Dungeon Colony.

Watch the following video log to learn more about it:

What's next:

Before I complete the campaign mode the behavior engine and the rules that make up the Dungeon Economy must be updated and improved. The most recent features about abilities and dungeon rooms play an important role in these improvements. Rooms determine where minions go look for resources: the lair for a place to rest, eat and store personal goods; the pantry is the hot-spot for food and the treasury is the money-department. Without these rooms, the economy can't function. Workers will want to be compensated for all work commands you give them. This is the first improvement I will focus on.

Once these improvements are complete Beta stage will be reached and I will start with the level development for the campaign mode. At the same time I will introduce the story that goes with the campaign mode. I'm hoping to reach this milestone in a few months, but that really depends a lot on many other factors... so wish me the best!

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