As I have done before, I will use this blog post to keep track of progress on each of these items. If you want to find out about the progress, come back and revisit this post. There are many sub-tasks involved in each ToDo list item which I'll start adding as we work on them.
Orange = Pending
Blue = Work In Progress
Green = Complete
Last Updated: 04/13/2014
The Alpha-to-Beta ToDo list:
- Music/Sound
- Found and contracted production team for sound/music.
- First set of sound assets are in production & implrementation.
- Adding new audio engine to configure sound effects and control playback based on map locations.
- Campaign Map (Pre-Requisite: New Art)
- Creating new game frame for Campaign Map.
- Adding new placeholder for campaign world map.
- Adding Location Buttons that load a level.
- Adding Level Chain for Campaign.
- Adding support to the campaign map to show completed levels & next playable level and hide remaining uncompleted levels.
- Storing completed level info with user data on server.
- New Art completed (new World Map + new Map Icons).
- Adding new window for processing world map levels.
- Adding additional world-map-icon functionality.
- Level Editor fully functional
- Fixing DropDownLists in Quest Creator.
- Adding Tab-Focus to various controls to Editor Settings frame
- Adding Tab-Focus functionality to DropDownList
- Fixes border shadow when placing granite.
- Adding Ground tiles to editor tool box.
- Adding close buttons to various tool frames in editor.
- Campaign Levels
- Game Player Profiles
- Creature Character Window for Equipment and Skill Management (To replace the current skill frame)
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